Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Week of December 2nd - 6th, 2019

Go over any questions before test.
Introduce subroutine parameters, return values

Introduce Codingbat. Make sure you click on the Python tab! Start with the problems in Warmup-1. Do all the problems in Warmup-1
Then go on to Logic-1List-1, and String-1, and do 5 problems from each of those categories.

To register with codingbat:
1. Go the Python section of and create an account, by clicking on "Create Account" in the upper right-hand corner of the home page. Use your school email as your ID.

2. Then, back on the home page, click "prefs". In the memo field, please enter your period, followed by a space, a hyphen, and another space, followed by your last name and a comma, and ending with your first name.  So if your name is Ima Narwhal and you have PCT during second period, it should look exactly like this:
     2 - Narwhal, Ima

3. At the bottom of the 'prefs' page, under Teacher Share, enter my email address, This will allow me to see your progress.

Python test.
Work on codingbat problems when done.  BE SURE TO LOG ON BEFORE STARTING, AND LOG OFF BEFORE LEAVING!

Short periods, knee replacement distance learning.
Everyone working on codingbat problems.

Everyone working on codingbat problems.
Give out computer hardware vocabulary, "Cartoon Guide to the Computer" reading

Everyone working on harder subroutine problems involving loops.

Remember, 'Getting started with AI Paper' homework is due next Monday, Dec 9th.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Week of November 25th - 29th, 2019

AI/Robotics presentation topic signup begins at 7:30 AM in room 111
Last class time to work on Python List Challenges (Shakespearean insults, etc)
If you haven't yet taken the school culture survey that was emailed to you, please do it now.

AI/Robotics presentation topic signup continues
Reintroduce for loop, range, nested loops

Do in-class loop exercises, give out loop homework
Everyone working on loop exercises and homework
Give out review sheet for Python test next Tuesday, December 3rd

Please make sure you have registered your presentation topic with me by 11:00
Python List Challenges due by 11:00

Review nested loops, loop homework
Give out extra string and list practice sheet (optional)

Thursday, Friday:
Thanksgiving break

Friday, November 15, 2019

Week of November 18th - 22nd, 219

Finish "Smartest Machine on Earth"
Watch additional videos as time allows:
some extras:
Students can work on Guessing Game programs and code reviews
Students who are finished can work on "Robotics and AI Paper -- Getting Started Assignment"

Professional day for Mr. J.
Students can work on Guessing Game programs and code reviews
Students who are finished can work on "Robotics and AI Paper -- Getting Started Assignment"

Guessing Game project with code review due by 11:00 AM.
Start Python string and list exercise worksheet
Introduce list challenges as motivation
Introduce strings and lists

List exercise worksheet due by 11:30.
Everyone working on string and list challenges

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Week of November 11th - 15th, 2019

Go over any questions for midterm
Remaining time will be used for Guessing Game project
Give out "Thinking about AI" homework for Friday

A&P midterm

Principles of Computer Technology midterm - both periods report to media center for homeroom.  I will give you about an hour to study before the test begins.

Everyone working on Guessing Game project

Begin new unit: "Introduction to AI and Robotics"
Essential Questions:
  • Can a computer be intelligent?  Have feelings? Be conscious?  Are there limitations on what a computer can do?
  • How are 'intelligent' machines changing the world?

Homework: "Thinking about AI"  due at beginning of class.

Begin AI/Robotics videos, as time allows:

some extras:

Friday, November 1, 2019

Week of November 4th - 8th, 2019

Test on basic Python

Please fill out this survey when you're done with the test.
Coding Explained on Netflix


Reading for today:
In Python for Everyone, chapter 3:
Read the sections Boolean expressions, Logical operators, Conditional execution, Alternative execution, Chained conditionals, and Nested conditionals. It will look intimidating at first but if you give it a chance you'll discover that it's quite straight-forward. We'll learn how to handle runtime errors later on, but if you can't wait, read the Catching exceptions using try and except section as well.

Go over Monday's test Introduce boolean expressions, if, if/else, elif
Work on leap year program in groups

Current events group 4:
per 1: Brianna, Kathy, Christianna, Trishna
per 2: John, Isabella, Harrison, Lily
Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your section is already doing it.

Give out review sheet for midterm
Introduce while loop

Begin guessing game exercises

Thursday, Friday:
Teacher's convention, no school