Thursday, April 18, 2019

Week of April 29th - May 3rd, 2019

Give out test review sheet, List and String extra practice.
Introduce subroutine parameters, return values.

Go over any questions before test.
Review return values.

Introduce Codingbat. Make sure you click on the Python tab! Start with the problems in Warmup-1. Do all the problems in Warmup-1
Then go on to Logic-1, List-1, and String-1, and do 5 problems from each of those categories.

To register with codingbat:
1. Go the Python section of and create an account, by clicking on "Create Account" in the upper right-hand corner of the home page. Use your school email as your ID.

2. Then, back on the home page, click "prefs". In the memo field, please enter your period, followed by a space, a hyphen, and another space, followed by your last name and a comma, and ending with your first name.  So if your name is Ima Narwhal and you have PCT during second period, it should look exactly like this:
     2 - Narwhal, Ima

3. At the bottom of the page, under Teacher Share, enter my email address, This will allow me to see your progress.

Python test.
Work on codingbat problems when done.  BE SURE TO LOG ON BEFORE STARTING, AND LOG OFF BEFORE LEAVING!

Everyone working on codingbat problems.
Give out Cartoon Guide to the Computer reading, computer hardware vocabulary homework

Sophomore trip - Great Adventure
Remember, the Getting Started with AI/Robotics Paper homework is due next Monday

Friday, April 12, 2019

Week of April 11th - 15th, 2019

AI/Robotics presentation topic signup begins at first bell, 7:30
Start Python string and list exercise worksheet
Introduce list challenges as motivation
Introduce strings and lists

List exercise worksheet due at beginning of class
Everyone working on string and list challenges

Re-introduce for loop, range(), nested loops
do in-class loop exercises, give out loop homework for Thursday
Any remaining class time is available for working on list challenges or loop homework.

Loop homework due at beginning of class
You must sign up for an AI/Robotics presentation topic by the end of lunchtime today.
Review loop homework
Any remaining time for working on list challenges
List challenges are due by end of lunchtime.

Begin Spring Break!

Friday, April 5, 2019

Week of April 8th - 12th, 2019

Color wars dress-up: dress in 1960's fashion

Begin new unit: "Introduction to AI and Robotics"

Essential Questions:
  • Can a computer be intelligent? Have feelings? Be conscious? Are there limitations on what a computer can do?
  • How are intelligent machines changing the world?
"Thinking about AI" homework due at beginning of class.

Begin AI/Robotics videos, as time allows:
"Smartest Machine on Earth" (NOVA episode) (52:14)
Dancing Sony Robots (3:26)
High Speed Robotic Hand (3:00)
The Latest Version of the LittleDog Robot (2:17)
Introducing Spot (2:15)
Testing Robustness (1:03)
Atlas, the Next Generation (2:41)
What's new, Atlas? (0:57)
Parkour Atlas (0:30)
Introducing Handle (1:36)
Sebastian Thrun - Google's Driverless Car (4:14)
MIT's Nexi MDS Robot - First Test of Expression (1:12)
How Smart is Today's Artificial Intelligence? (PBS) (9:03)
Google Duplex - haircut appointment (2:10)
Google Duplex - restaurant reservation (0:54)
Humans Need Not Apply (15:00) It's the end of the world. . . 
How Smart is Today's Artificial Intelligence? (Vox) (7:52) or maybe not. . . 

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Crash Course  (11:50) Great approachable but not dumbed-down introduction to some aspects of machine learning.
A Swarm of Nano Quadrotors (1:43)
RoboBees - Design Poses Intriguing Engineering Challenge (2:20)
AI vs AI, Two Chatbots Talking to Each Other (1:24)
"The Future of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence" (Andrew Ng, a machine learning expert from Stanford) (16:26)

Introduce AI/Robotics paper and presentation
continue with AI/Robotics videos

Color wars dress-up: Dynamic duos/terrific trios day
Final JSUMC rotation

Color wars dress-up: benevolent character from a fairy tale
Code reviews for Guessing Game project, start "Robotics and AI Paper: Getting Started" assignment
Guessing game project with code review due by end of lunch

Color wars dress-up: wear gray proudly!
Everyone working on "Robotics and AI Paper: Getting Started"
Knee replacement DL 8:45