No class, staff day
Continue with discussion of cookies and dynamic web pages.
Read Cookie Monsters.
Video: What They Know - Advertising Cookies and You (7:15)
Discussion of computer algorithms:
Algorithm: "a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer." "In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm is a self-contained step-by-step set of operations to be performed." In other words, an algorithm is a recipe.
- Video: What is an Algorithm and Why Should You Care?
- Video: The Smartest Elevators
- Demonstrate Conway's Game of Life
- Demonstrate selection sort vs merge sort
(Group 2 current events:
P1: Zachary K, Michael, Emily, Juliet, Varoon, Noel, Eesha, Elena, Alex
P2: Jess, Reese, Karly, Ian, Katharine, Mayuri, Deven, Arianna, Stacy)
Query students on medical informatics topic preferences.
Security readings for today:
- New Fast-Spreading Virus takes Internet by Storm(1999)
- Slammed! An inside view of the worm that crashed the Internet in 15 minutes (2003)
- The Facebook Virus Spreads: No Social Network is Safe (2008)
- What is a Drive-By Download? (2013)
- Think You're Safe at Starbucks? Think Again. (2013)
- Hacker Lexicon: A Guide to Ransomware, the Scary Hack That’s on the Rise (2015)
Students list ways to avoid getting malware on their computers.
JSUMC rotation #2