Continue with 5 jobs of an operating system: processor management, memory and storage management, device management, application interface, and user interface
User interface videos:
- Microsoft Surface Table (now called PixelSense) (1:22)
- Android Wear (1:27)
- Amazon Echo (3:54)
- Project Milo (3:53)
- Microsoft HoloLens (2:21)
- Magic Leap (1:35)
- Toybox demo for Oculus Touch (0:52)
- Brain-Computer Interface (4:32)
Wrap up file names and paths.
Do hands-on OS with terminal window
Hand out review sheet for test on computer hardware, history, operating systems - Thursday, April 28th
Introduce Arduino, Sparkfun Inventor's Kit, begin Arduino labs
Group 2 AI/Robotics current events:
P1: Katherine I., Eric, Thomas, Carly, Jillian
P2: Amanda, James, Nicholas, Grace, Andrey
Continue with Arduino labs
Review for test
Continue with Arduino labs -- last day? We shall see. . .
test on computer hardware, history, operating systems
when finished, work on Robotics/AI paper