all students working on medical informatics presentations
Please complete this pre-assessment before your presentation
Computer pioneer oral presentations
Please complete this post-assessment after your presentation
Group 4 current events
Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your section is already doing it. Also remember to submit your writeup to turnitin.
P1: Iqra, Michael, Amol, Benedikt
P2: Christine, Bryan, Rylie, Abby
Mr. Judkis will review presentation with each group during class
Sophomores report directly to media center for "Minding your mind" presentation
First period 9:00 - 10:13
Second period 11:17 - 12:18
Third period 12:20 - 1:21
Fourth period 1:23 = 2: 25
Wrap up preparation for presentations - begin Monday
JSUMC rotation