Friday, October 13, 2017

Week of October 16th - 20th, 2017

First period: 30 minutes to work on part II of Medical Informatics project
Second period: Complete Imaging Informatics presentation

Introduce programming with RUR-PLE
Why Learn to Code?
Introduce RUR-PLE: 

You can download RUR-PLE from here. Get the .exe for Windows, or the .dmg for OS X.

Continue with RUR-PLE: subroutine deffor count in range(),if, if/else
RUR-PLE part 2 available for those who finish part 1

Group 2 current events:
Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your section is already doing it. Also remember to submit your writeup to turnitin.
P1: Aaron, Eliana, Kaitlyn, Stephanie, Andrea
P2: Brian, Jess, Ayla, Alex, Lenny

Continue with RUR-PLE conditionals: flowcharts, if/elif/else


Homework for today: Medical Informatics part II due at beginning of class
You can turn it in on Friday for a two point penalty, or Monday for a five point penalty.  Beginning Tuesday, the standard late penalty will be in effect, so a project turned in Tuesday will have a 13 point penalty, Wednesay will be 21 points, and so forth.

Introduce while loop
Everyone should have finished RUR-PLE part 1 by the end of today

JSUMC rotation