Friday, March 2, 2018

Week of March 5th - 9th, 2018

Complete medical informatics presentations
The rest of the period will be used to work on part 2 of the Medical Informatics project.

Introduce programming with RUR-PLE
Why Learn to Code?
Introduce RUR-PLE: subroutine def, for count in range()

You can download RUR-PLE from here. Get the .exe for Windows, or the .dmg for OS X.

Snow day :-)

(delayed opening)
Group 1 current events due today:
P1: Louise, Christina, Zayna, Elizabeth, Ari
P2: Maya, Hanna, Amy, Kavya, Noa
Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your section is already doing it.

Continue with RUR-PLE conditionals: if, if/else
RUR-PLE part 2 available for those who finish part 1


Medical Informatics project part 2 due today, before we go to the hospital

The first JSUMC rotation is today - please do everything you can to make it go smoothly