Friday, December 7, 2018

Week of December 10th - 14th, 2018

For the beginning of class today, have finished all the codingbat problems in Warmup-1, and 5 problems from each of Logic-1, List-1, and String-1. Make sure you log in to your account first, or I won't see your work
Read 'Cartoon Guide to the Computer' handout through page 64.

Review basic Python test in randomly generated teams

Introduce computer hardware basics - input, output, storage, processing worksheet in class
Begin discussing history of computers - Jacquard, Babbage, Lovelace, Hollerith, WW II computers, computers in the 50s

Review subroutine worksheet in randomly generated teams
Continue with computer history discussion

Wednesday: (flip day, 2-1-4-3)
Subroutine parameter and return value quiz (50 min)
Continue with computer hardware discussion

Hardware vocabulary due
Finish reading "Cartoon Guide to the Computer" handout
Introduce Soldering: 
How To Solder video, in-class worksheet
Computer dissection
Discuss basic electronics - circuits, resistors, capacitors, LEDs, transistors

Homework for today: Read "Soldering is Easy" twice
Soldering lab

Give out "How Operating Systems Work" reading, Operating Systems vocabulary for Tuesday