Thursday, February 20, 2020

Week of February 24th - 28th, 2020

Homework for today is to read the following:

There may be a surprise quiz about these articles, you really should read them.

Wrap up any remaining issues on computer security.
Give out review sheet for test Thursday on analog/digital, internet technology, and computer security.

Begin Unit 5: Medical Informatics
Essential Questions:

  • How is computer technology used in medical research and the practice of medicine today?
  • How is the use of computer technology going to change medicine in the future?
 Data and Medicine (6:07)

Begin Medical Informatics project. Each team must create a Google Slides presentation and share it with me before the end of the period.


Group 4 current events:
P1: Jenna, Emily, Megan, Jason
P2: Abbi, Ishaan, Hannah, Erin
Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your section is already doing it.

Opportunity to ask questions before the test on Thursday


Test on analog/digital, internet technology, and computer security.
Work on informatics presentations when finished.

Pioneer projects due at beginning of class, on paper and via turnitin.
Pioneer oral presentations will be Monday, March 2nd.
Everyone working on medical informatics presentations