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Homework for today: Khan Academy: ' Scalable systems', 'The Internet protocol suite', 'Open protocol development', 'The digital divide', 'The Internet: Quiz 3', and 'The Internet: Unit test'.
Wrap up 'The Web and The Cloud'
Begin unit 3: Basic principles of computer security, malware, privacy, and cyberwar.
Essential Questions:
- How does the pervasiveness of networked computers affect our personal safety and privacy?
- How does the pervasiveness of networked computers affect our national security?
Group 3 current events:
P1: Anthony, Ryan, Jillian, Eva, Arnav
P2: Hannah, Juliana, Vismitha, Kelly S.
Group 3 current events:
P1: Anthony, Ryan, Jillian, Eva, Arnav
P2: Hannah, Juliana, Vismitha, Kelly S.
Homework for today is to read the following: (it looks like a lot but these are short):
- New Fast-Spreading Virus takes Internet by Storm(1999)
- Slammed! An inside view of the worm that crashed the Internet in 15 minutes (2003) (If says that you have read all your articles for this month, try again with your browser in incognito mode, delete your cookies, or try a different browser.)
- The Facebook Virus Spreads: No Social Network is Safe (2008)
- What is a Drive-By Download? (2013)
- Hacker Lexicon: A Guide to Ransomware, the Scary Hack That’s on the Rise (2017)
- New Jersey hospital chain pays attackers to thwart ransomware incident (2019)
Homework for today is to read the following:
Homework for today is to read the following:
- How Zombie Networks Fuel Cybercrime (2004)
- The Untold Story of NotPetya, the Most Devastating Cyberattack in History (2018 - long but worthwhile) (This one has a really bad word, repeated three times. I wish people wouldn't do that, because outside of that it tells an important story really well.) If says that you have read all your articles for this month, try again with your browser in incognito mode, or try a different browser.
- Someone Is Learning How to Take Down the Internet (2016) . (try this link if the other isn't working. . . )