Friday, October 30, 2020

Week of November 2nd - 6th, 2020

You should have completed all of 4.3 (Properties) and 4.4 up through and including 4.4.2 (if statements) by Monday morning.  I will grade your work before school starts.

Remote learning day for students.  7 hour instructional day.
Continue to work on Unit 4 of CS Academy.

Remote learning day for students.  7 hour instructional day
Current Events group #4 due today instead of Wednesday:
P1: Rachel, Vibha, Caroline, Aleza, Stella
P2: Olivia, Satya, Phoebe
Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your period is already doing it.

Virtual Wednesday schedule,  P1 is 8:00 to 9:00 and P2 is 9:05 to 10:05
Give out creative task for unit 4.

Thursday, Friday:
no school, NJEA convention

Note some upcoming events:
Next Tuesday (Nov 10th): 
You should have completed all of Unit 4 including the Unit 4 exercises by this morning.  I will grade them before school starts.  Remember, you don't have to do every exercise in every unit, just enough to get the number of points required for that set of exercises.  BUT . . . it is a great idea to do them all if you really want to master the concepts.
Your creative task plan is due by 4:00 PM

Next Wednesday (Nov 11th):

Next Friday (Nov 13th):
Knee replacement distance learning