Finish up overview of how computer history, and how they work . . .
Here is a copy of the slides I'll be going through (updated).
Demo the Visible Computer.
Finish up overview of how computer history, and how they work . . .
Here is a copy of the slides I'll be going through (updated).
Demo the Visible Computer.
We are going to start in with Unit 7 of the CMU material this week, since we are all going to be online. I will go easy on the pace, understanding that the machine learning paper is due Friday morning, so the programming assignments for the week should be easy to complete during class time. Note that you are encouraged to do more than the minimum number of points for the Unit 7 exercises, but I will not be giving any more extra credit, I have already gone way overboard in that department!
Introduce CMU Unit 7 material
Introduce CMU Unit 7 material
Continue working on Unit 7.
Complete 7.1.3 exercises (compound and nested conditionals) by end of today's class.
Complete 7.1.3 exercises (compound and nested conditionals) by end of today's class.
Complete 7.2.2 exercises (onKeyPress) by end of today's class.
Complete 7.2.2 exercises (onKeyPress) by end of today's class.
Machine learning paper due by 7:30, on Google Classroom and also via turnitin. Consult the assignment for a reminder about how late papers are handled.
Machine learning paper due by 7:30, on Google Classroom and also via turnitin. Consult the assignment for a reminder about how late papers are handled.
Complete 7.2.4 exercises (onKeyHold) and begin 7.3.3 exercises (Step Events) by end of today's class. Next Tuesday will be the last class time dedicated to working on Unit 7, so please continue to make progress.