Khan Academy 'Limitations of storing numbers', 'Storing text in binary', 'Converting analog data to binary' and 'Digital Information: Quiz 2' due by 7:30
Khan Academy 'Limitations of storing numbers', 'Storing text in binary', 'Converting analog data to binary' and 'Digital Information: Quiz 2' due by 7:30
Wrap up digital information section -- CAT scan
- Jordan Peele Uses AI. . . (2:31)
- Fake videos of real people - TED talk (7:07)
- How hard is it to make a believeable deepfake? Very interesting article. Includes this Deepfake Quiz
- Another Deepfake Quiz, from Microsoft
- In Event of Moon Disaster (6:14)
- This Person Does Not Exist
Some related examples of computers and medicine:
- This AI is beating doctors at their own game (5:52)
- Snow World (3:08)
- Treating PTSD with VR (4:04)
Introduce Computer Pioneers project, which isn't due for quite a while. . .
Begin discussing the history of communication and the Internet.
Khan Academy 'Lossless data compression', 'Lossy data compression', 'Digital copyright and licenses', 'Digital Information: Quiz 3' due by 7:30 AM
(Shorter classes today: P1 is 8:00 to 9:00 and P2 is 9:05 to 10:05)
Current Events group #1 due today:
P1: Arsh, Nicole, Nicholas D., Stavros, Demetra
P2: Fazal, Kunal, Marissa, Sophia, Madelyn, Syon
Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your period is already doing it.
Give out internet vocab assignment, due next Tuesday.
Also read the article Secret Geek A-Team Hacks Back, Defends Worldwide Web for Tuesday. (Please ignore the bad word. . .)
Khan Academy 'Digital Information: Unit test' due by 7:30 AM
We will also have a short quiz on the unit 1 material in class today, via Google.
Continue discussing the history of communication and the Internet.
President's day holiday -- see you next Tuesday.
President's day holiday -- see you next Tuesday.