Friday, November 1, 2019

Week of November 4th - 8th, 2019

Test on basic Python

Please fill out this survey when you're done with the test.
Coding Explained on Netflix


Reading for today:
In Python for Everyone, chapter 3:
Read the sections Boolean expressions, Logical operators, Conditional execution, Alternative execution, Chained conditionals, and Nested conditionals. It will look intimidating at first but if you give it a chance you'll discover that it's quite straight-forward. We'll learn how to handle runtime errors later on, but if you can't wait, read the Catching exceptions using try and except section as well.

Go over Monday's test Introduce boolean expressions, if, if/else, elif
Work on leap year program in groups

Current events group 4:
per 1: Brianna, Kathy, Christianna, Trishna
per 2: John, Isabella, Harrison, Lily
Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your section is already doing it.

Give out review sheet for midterm
Introduce while loop

Begin guessing game exercises

Thursday, Friday:
Teacher's convention, no school