Go over any questions for midterm
Remaining time will be used for Guessing Game project
Give out "Thinking about AI" homework for Friday
A&P midterm
Principles of Computer Technology midterm - both periods report to media center for homeroom. I will give you about an hour to study before the test begins.
Everyone working on Guessing Game project
Begin new unit: "Introduction to AI and Robotics"
Essential Questions:
- Can a computer be intelligent? Have feelings? Be conscious? Are there limitations on what a computer can do?
- How are 'intelligent' machines changing the world?
Homework: "Thinking about AI" due at beginning of class.
Begin AI/Robotics videos, as time allows:
- "Smartest Machine on Earth" (NOVA episode) (52:14)
- Dancing Sony Robots (3:26)
- High Speed Robotic Hand (3:00)
- The Latest Version of the LittleDog Robot (2:17)
- Introducing Spot (2:15)
- Testing Robustness (1:03)
- Atlas, the Next Generation (2:41)
- What's new, Atlas? (0:57)
- Parkour Atlas (0:30)
- Introducing Handle (1:36)
- Sebastian Thrun - Google's Driverless Car (4:14)
- MIT's Nexi MDS Robot - First Test of Expression (1:12)
- How Smart is Today's Artificial Intelligence? (PBS) (9:03)
- Google Duplex - haircut appointment (2:10)
- Google Duplex - restaurant reservation (0:54)
- Humans Need Not Apply (15:00) It's the end of the world. . .
- How Smart is Today's Artificial Intelligence? (Vox) (7:52) or maybe not. . .
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Crash Course (11:50) Great approachable but not dumbed-down introduction to some aspects of machine learning.
- A Swarm of Nano Quadrotors (1:43)
- RoboBees - Design Poses Intriguing Engineering Challenge (2:20)
- AI vs AI, Two Chatbots Talking to Each Other (1:24)
- "The Future of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence" (Andrew Ng, a machine learning expert from Stanford) (16:26)