Friday, April 3, 2020

Week of April 6th - 10th, 2020

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday:
Everyone working on CodeHS this week.  I will be doing another completion grade on Wednesday evening.  If you have completed all of Unit 2 and Unit 3 through the end of 3.6 by about 9 PM on Wednesday you will get a 100.  Through 3.5 will get a 95, and so forth.  I see that many of you are well past that already.  If you want to take time to get started on the AI paper while others are catching up, that's fine.

Here are some notes on while loops.  I will be adding various topics to the Google doc as time goes on -- I'll make a note in the blog when there's an update.

CodeHS Quiz on unit 3.  This one is 20 questions, about the same level of difficulty as the last one.  Here are some things you'll want to know:
  • how to use input() and print()
  • how to use int(), float(), and str()
  • How the asterisk * works with strings
  • Python arithmetic operations and their PEMDAS precedence
  • that dividing an integer by another integer gives you an integer result!

Begin Spring Break!  Be well, see you on April 20th!