Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Week of November 30th - December 4th, 2015

Signup for AI/Robotics topics begins at 7:30

Look over test review sheet -- any questions?
continue with Arduino lab

Test on computer hardware, history, operating systems

When finished, begin work on Robotics/AI paper


Group 1 current events can be handed in:
P1: Maya, Stephen, Charlotte, Quinn, Josh, Dana, May, Zack H., Alfred, Ritik
P2: Vish, Neil, Brian, Lauren C., Tanay, Dan, Lauren H., Matt, Bryan, Alex
continue with Arduino lab

last day of Arduino lab

Last day to sign up for AI/Robotics topic without penalty.

Introduce programming with Scratch:
Why learn to code? (video, 9:34)
Introduction to Scratch 2.0 (video, 1:37) and Getting Started With Scratch (video, 2:24)
Run scratch in your browser: go to and click on "Try It Out"
Start working on "Getting Acquainted with Scratch" worksheet
Give out Scratch homework #1.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Week of November 23 - 25, 2015

Finish reading "How Operating Systems Work" for today
Operating Systems vocabulary due

Introduce operating systems: two roles, five jobs of an operating system
User interface videos:

introduce file names and paths
hands-on OS with terminal window

Wednesday:(Group 2 current events:
P1: Zachary K, Michael, Emily, Juliet, Varoon, Noel, Eesha, Elena, Alex
P2: Jess, Reese, Karly, Ian, Katharine, Mayuri, Deven, Arianna, Stacy)
Hand out review sheet for test on computer hardware, history, operating systems - Tuesday, Dec 1st
Introduce Arduino, Sparkfun Inventor's Kit, begin Arduino labs

Thursday, Friday:
Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Week of November 16th - 20th, 2015

Complete discussion of electronics components
Hardware basics - input, output, storage, processing worksheet in class
Begin discussing history of computers - Jacquard, Babbage
Videos: Babbage's Difference Engine

Dissect computers, do dissection worksheet
Hardware vocabulary due
Read "Cartoon Guide" through page 64

Finish "Cartoon Guide" reading

(Group 1 current events can be handed in:
P1: Maya, Stephen, Charlotte, Quinn, Josh, Dana, May, Zack H., Alfred, Ritik
P2: Vishwak, Neil, Brian, Lauren C., Tanay, Dan, Lauren H., Matthew, Bryan, Alex)

Continue with history of computers: Babbage, Hollerith, WW II computers

Introduce computer bus and bus services
Fetch/execute cycle
Experiment with the Visible Computer  Class handout

Read pages 1 and 2 of "How Do Operating Systems Work?" for today

Complete computer hardware discussion:
Discuss computer chips, Moore's Law
video: How do they make computer chips? Zoom into a microchip

Discuss modern computer history: 1960s to today.
Discuss how a disk drive works
Introduce operating systems.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Week of November 9 - 13, 2015

Informatics Part II due at beginning of class.  

Continue with discussion of Robotics and AI: 

Review any questions before the midterm.
Complete videos, discussion of Robotics/AI
Hand out "Soldering is Easy" - read for Thursday

(Group 2 current events:
P1: Zachary K, Michael, Emily, Juliet, Varoon, Noel, Eesha, Elena, Alex
P2: Jess, Reese, Karly, Ian, Katharine, Mayuri, Deven, Arianna, Stacy)

Midterm exam

Hand out computer hardware vocabulary worksheet - due Tuesday

Hand out Cartoon Guide to Computers - read p 47 - 65 for Tuesday.
Introduce Soldering: How To Solder video, in-class worksheet
Discuss basic electronics - circuits, resistors, capacitors, LEDs, transistors
Hardware basics - input, output, storage, processing worksheet in class
Begin discussing history of computers - Jacquard, Babbage
Video: Babbage's Difference Engine

Soldering lab - build a blinky thing (technically it's called a multivibrator circuit. . . )