Sunday, February 26, 2017

Week of February 27th - March 3rd, 2017

Computer Pioneer Bios - oral presentations

Continue to work on Medical Informatics presentations, incorporate comments.
Links to sources are at

Group 4 current events can be turned in on Wednesday or Thursday this week.
Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your section is already doing it. Also remember to submit your writeup to turnitin.
P1: Ava, Karl, Alison, Ian, Audrey
P2: Ria, Nia, Nicole, Alex

Last class time to work on Medical Informatics presentations.
Be prepared to present beginning on Thursday.

Begin Medical Informatics presentations
I will give you 20 minutes at the beginning of the class to print out notes and get organized.

Continue with Medical Informatics presentations

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Week of February 20th - 24th, 2017

No school - happy President's Day!

Go over any questions from test review sheet

Introduce Medical Informatics unit and projects
CBS News video (in class): Charting a New Course (Sept 2009)
All groups working on informatics project. Each group must create a google docs presentation and share it with Mr. J. by the end of the period
Some sources to start with are at:

Test on material since beginning of semester
Work on medical informatics projects when done

Group 3 current events
Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your section is already doing it. Also remember to submit your writeup to turnitin.
P1: Kali, Maya, Vicky, Matt, Kyla
P2: Mal, Ryan, Ryanne, Krysten, Eoin

Everyone working on medical informatics projects.

Computer pioneers project due, on paper and via turnitin.
Everyone working on medical informatics.  Mr. J. will review and return feedback to groups by Monday morning.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Week of February 13th - 17th, 2017

Homework - reading for today:
Video: 5 of the Worst Computer Viruses Ever
Students list ways to avoid getting malware on their computers.

Hospital orientation, JSUMC

Group 2 current events:
Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your section is already doing it. Also remember to submit your writeup to turnitin.
P1: Annie, Sofia, Timothy, Mia, Arthur
P2: Uma, Amena, Macy, Julia, Tyler

Homework - reading for today:

Video (in class): Business Casual G-Men
Pass out review sheet for test next week.

Homework - reading for today:

Video (in class):
Cyberwar Threat from NOVA (2015) (53:10)
Ukraine blames cyberattack for Christmas power outage (2016) (5:48)

Personal day for Mr. Judkis.  There is still homework for today:
The Enemy Within (2010) - a long but worthwhile article with one really bad word, please ignore it. There's also a worksheet that goes along with it that the sub will collect at the beginning of class.

Class time is to be spent working on your computer pioneer biography, which is due next Friday, February 24th.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Week of February 6th - 10th, 2017


1) Internet vocab due.
2) Do TCP/IP try-at-home for Windows 7, and Mac OS/X.  
Windows 10 users, this page may be helpful if you can't figure out how to get telnet to work. 

Continue with discussion of Internet technology:
Wires, Cables, and Wifi
IP addresses and DNS
Packets, Routing, and Reliability

Introduce Computer Pioneer project
Homework: Read Secret Geek A-Team Hacks Back, Defends Worldwide Web and turn in this worksheet. 

Hackers Hijacked Bank's Entire Online Operation

Wrap up discussion of Internet technology

News report from 1981
DNS Explained video

Group 1 current events:
Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your section is already doing it.
P1: Rosanna, Maram, Julianna, Shayna, Rea
P2: Andre, Emma, Jack, Andrew, Ralph

Homework - readings for today:
How Target Figured Out a Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father Did
How to see everything Google knows about you

Review: HTTP and HTML
Begin discussion of Google, cloud computing, dynamic web pages

Being a Google Autocompleter (2:37)
How Google Search works (3:15)
How Search Ads Work (2:38)
How Google Apps Work (1:51)
Google Data Center (4:52) Demonstrate HTTP with Firefox developer tools


Snow day!

Homework - reading for today:
Cookie Monsters.
Complete discussion of cookies and dynamic web pages.
What They Know - Advertising Cookies and You (7:15)