20 minutes for code reviews of Guessing game programs
Guessing game programs (with code review) due by end of lunchtime today
Introduce Python strings and lists
Start string and list exercises worksheet, Python list challenges (Shakespeare, guessing game, chatbot)
Everyone working on Python string and list exercises and list challenges
Last class time for string and list challenge (about a half hour )
Introduce for loop, range(), nested loops
Do in-class loop exercises, give out loop homework for Thursday.
Due by end of lunchtime: "Exercises with Python Strings and Lists"
Review for loops, range(), nested loops
Give out review sheet for test on Monday.
Give out optional Python practice problems.
If time allows, introduce subroutine parameters.
Loop homework due at beginning of class. Do it first on paper, then check your work with IDLE.
Answer any questions in preparation for the Python test
Continue with subroutines, introduce return values, Codingbat. Make sure you click on the Python tab! Start with the problems in Warmup-1.
To register with codingbat:
Go the Python section of and create an account, by clicking on "Create Account" in the upper right-hand corner of the home page. Use your school email as your ID. When you enter your name, please type your period, followed by your last name, followed by your first name, like this:
2 – Narwhal, Ima
Then, back on the home page, click "prefs". At the bottom of the page, under Teacher Share, enter my email address, This will allow me to see your progress.