Friday, January 26, 2018

Wrapping up and starting again: Week of January 29th - February 2nd, 2018

Review for final exam.
Final processing project due by the end of lunchtime today.
There will be a review session after school today from 2:25 to 4:00 in room 111, come if you can.

Everyone from both periods report to the media center at 7:35 for attendance.
You'll have the first 50 minutes to study, and the final exam will start at 8:25.  You'll have the full 2 hours if you want it.

Welcome to Semester 2!

Please take this survey to help me know a little about you
Discuss rules and expectations, course outline, current events assignment, "Good Questions" assignment

Homework for the beginning of class today: register for turnitin, bring back parent/guardian contact information sheet
Ones and zeroes: introduce binary/hex numbers
What is Unicode?
Give out binary/hex worksheet - due Friday

Homework for the beginning of class today: "Good Questions", binary/hex worksheet due
Complete binary/hex numbers discussion
Neil DeGrasse Tyson on Autotune
Audacity - free audio software
Begin discussing digital representation of sounds and images, digital cameras, CAT scans

Friday, January 19, 2018

Week of January 22nd- 26th, 2018

Please take this survey sometime this week. Thanks!


Very short periods, Rutgers testing - all students report to media center at 8:45
Students can choose to study quietly for Rutgers test or work on project


Flip day in morning, 2-1
Very short periods, Rutgers testing - all students report to media center at 8:45
Students can choose to study quietly for Rutgers test or work on project

Everyone working on projects

Everyone working on projects
Review session after school, 2:30 - 3:30 (you don't have to stay the entire time)
There will be another session next Monday as well, also from 2:30 - 3:30


Opportunity to ask questions before final exam next Tuesday
Remaining time will be available for working on the project

Friday, January 12, 2018

Week of January 15th - 19th, 2018

Martin Luther King's birthday, no school

Robotics and AI presentations begin.
Everyone must have shared their presentation with me by 5:00 AM today -- either email me a powerpoint file or share a Google Slides presentation by then.
Important - name your presentation or powerpoint file "lastname period", like "Jones per2". I will deduct 1 point if it is not correctly named.You must be ready to present! Presenters will be chosen at random by a computer program.

Continue with Robotics and AI presentations

Finish AI and Robotics presentations, if necessary.
Resume Processing topics: images, pixels, colors, 3D
Begin working on Processing projects

Everyone working on Processing projects.  I will go around and take notes on what you plan to do and who (if anyone) you are working with.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Week of January 8th - 12th, 2018

Due today: "Social Impacts of Robotics and AI" paper due at beginning of class - on paper and via turnitin. Please be sure that you have considered both positive and negative aspects.You have the option of turning the paper in on Tuesday, January 9th, for a 4% grade penalty. After Tuesday, the penalty will be 8% per day.

Continue to work on drawing project  -- due by the end of lunch on Wednesday.


Flip day - 2-1-4-3 for PARCC
Introduce interactive programming with


First Processing sketch due by the end of lunchtime today
Continue with interactions with Processing
Start working on Pong game


Everyone working on Pong game.  Last class time.  It will be due at the end of lunchtime next Wed.


Introduce final Processing project.
Introduce translate, rotate, scale.
Introduce working with pixels.

Robotics and AI presentations will begin Tuesday, January 16th. Everyone must have shared their presentation with me by 5:00 AM on June 5th -- either email me a powerpoint file or share a Google Slides presentation by then.

Important - name your presentation or powerpoint file "lastname period", like "Jones per2". I will deduct 1 point if it is not correctly named.

You must be ready to present on Tuesday, even though you may not actually present until Wednesday or even Thursday. Presenters will be chosen at random by a computer program.