Friday, February 22, 2019

Week of February 25th - March 1st, 2019

Pioneers project due at beginning of class, on paper and via Turnitin.
Look over test review sheet, answer any questions
Begin working on Medical Informatics - every group must create a Google presentation and share it with Mr. Judkis before the end of class.

We are having a strange schedule today, due to an assembly from 8 to 9, so we are shifting the test and Pioneer presentations back a day.  Instead today will be for working on the Medical Informatics project.

Test on analog/digital, internet, and computer security
Everyone working on Medical Informatics when done

Group 4 current events due today:
per 1: Deeksha, Aleyna, Sarah, Parker, Molly
per 2: Regan, Molly, Maddy, Jess V., Reilly
Work on Medical Informatics for the remaining time.

Computer Pioneers presentations
"Drop Everything and Read"

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Week of February 18th - 22nd, 2019

Note that the Pioneers project is due on Monday, February 25th at the beginning of class, on paper and via turnitin.

No school, President's Day holiday

Homework for today is to read the following:

Videos (in class):


JSUMC Orientation

Group 3 current events due today:
P1: Debdij, Shannon, Aleia, Ahan, Julia
P2: Maggie, Mark, Thirth, Neo, Mary Cate
Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your section is already doing it. 

Homework for today is to read the following:

Videos (in class):
Give out review sheet for test next Tuesday on analog/digital, internet technology, and computer security.
Begin Medical Informatics project.  Each group must create a Google Slides presentation and share it with me before the end of the period.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Week of February 11th - 15th, 2019

Homework due today: Read Secret Geek A-Team Hacks Back, Defends Worldwide Web and turn in this worksheet.
Also, here's an example of how big a deal a compromised DNS can be: Hackers Hijacked Bank's Entire Online Operation. At least read the first paragraph or two and see if you're interested.

Introduce Computer Pioneer project

Wrap up discussion of Internet technology
DNS Explained video

News report from 1981

Review: HTTP and HTML
Demonstrate HTTP with Firefox developer tools 


Homework due today: Read How Target Figured Out a Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father Did
Begin unit 3: Google, cloud computing, dynamic web pages
Essential questions:
  • How does a search engine work?
  • What do companies like Google know about us, and what do they do with that information?
  • What is 'the cloud'?

Group 2 current events due today:
P1: Sahiti, Arielle, Albin, Grace, Jess M.
P2: Joe, Eric, Claudia, Sean, Alexa

Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your section is already doing it.

Homework for today:
Read Cookie Monsters.

Complete discussion of cookies and dynamic web pages.
What They Know - Advertising Cookies and You (7:15)

If time remains, students can work on Computer Pioneers project.

Begin unit 4: Basic principles of computer security, malware, privacy, and cyberwar.  Essential Questions:
  • How does the pervasiveness of networked computers affect our personal safety and privacy?
  • How does the pervasiveness of networked computers affect our national security?

No school, President's Day weekend

Friday, February 1, 2019

Week of February 4th - 8th, 2019

Homework for the beginning of class today: "Good Questions", binary/hex worksheet due
Complete binary/hex numbers discussion.
Begin discussing digital representation of sounds and images, digital cameras, CAT scans
What is Unicode?
Neil DeGrasse Tyson on Autotune
Audacity - free audio software
Begin discussing digital representation of sounds and images, digital cameras, CAT scans
Give out internet vocabulary sheet - due Wednesday

Continue discussing digital representation of sounds and images, digital cameras, CAT scans

Group 1 current events due today:
P1: Hazem, Rahul, Savi, Skylar, Perfecto
P2: Eva, Jack, Tyler, Judy, Abi
Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your section is already doing it.

Homework due today: Internet vocabulary
Wrap up digital representation of images and sounds, CAT scan
Discuss internet try-at-home, due Friday

Begin Unit 2: Basic Principles of the Internet
Essential Questions:
What is the Internet? Where did it come from, and how did it evolve?
How does it function?
What is a protocol? What is an open system?
What characteristics of the Internet have allowed it to become so pervasive?
How does the ability of computers to communicate with one another affect our lives?
Begin internet discussion of internet history and technology

The Lighting of the Beacons

Pneumatic Tubes

Quiz on binary and hex numbers, digital representation of information
Continue with discussion of Internet technology.
What is the Internet?
Wires, Cables, and Wifi

Homework due today: Do TCP/IP try-at-home for Windows 7, and Mac OS/X. Windows 10 users, this page may be helpful if you can't figure out how to get telnet to work.
Continue with Internet technology unit.
IP addresses and DNS
Packets, Routing, and Reliability