Friday, March 29, 2019

Week of April 1st - 5th, 2019

Give out review sheets for midterm
Everyone working on Guessing Game project (due Tuesday, April 8th -- but handing it in earlier is fine)
Individual turtle graphics projects due by end of lunch today

Opportunity to ask questions before the midterm
Rest of period to work on Guessing Game and code reviews
Give out "Thinking about AI" homework -- due next Monday

Anatomy and Physiology I midterm in media center

Principles of Computer Technology midterm in media center

JSUMC rotation

Friday, March 22, 2019

Week of March 25th - 29th, 2019

Review for loop, range(), subroutine definition
Introduce using color, subroutine parameters 
Begin work on individual turtle graphics projects

(Homeroom only) breakfast party, thanks to Sarah!
Entire period to work on individual turtle graphics projects - due by the end of lunch on Thursday

Group 4 current events due today:
per 1: Deeksha, Aleyna, Sarah, Parker, Molly
per 2: Regan, Molly, Maddy, Jess V., Reilly
Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your section is already doing it.

Rest of period to work on Turtle graphics projects.

Reading for today:
Read the sections Boolean expressions, Logical operators, Conditional execution, Alternative execution, Chained conditionals, and Nested conditionals.  It will look intimidating at first but if you give it a chance you'll discover that it's quite straight-forward.  We'll learn how to handle runtime errors later on, but if you can't wait, read the Catching exceptions using try and except section as well.

Introduce boolean expressions, if, if/else, elif
Introduce while loop
Begin guessing game exercises

JSUMC rotation

Individual turtle graphics projects due by the end of lunch on Monday.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Week of March 18th - 22nd, 2019

Everyone working on "Simple Python Calculation" project

No class - JSUMC grand rounds
"Simple Python Calculation" due by the end of lunchtime today


Group 3 current events due today:
P1: Debdij, Shannon, Aleia, Ahan, Julia
P2: Maggie, Mark, Thirth, Neo, Mary Cate
Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your section is already doing it. 

For today, read "The Way of the Program" and turn in vocabulary worksheet
Introduce turtle graphics
Interactive exercises graphics

Everyone working on turtle graphics project

First python test.  Work on turtle graphics project when finished.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Week of March 11th - 15th, 2019

Why learn to code?
Introduction to Python programming - input and output, arithmetic, types and expressions
You can download Python 3.7.2 from here.  It's free!
Here is a free Python textbook that can help you a lot.
Begin 'Using IDLE' worksheet.

Continue with Python programming introduction.
'Using IDLE' worksheet due by the end of lunchtime
Begin work on 'Simple Python Expressions and Types' worksheet - finish for Wednesday's class

(Shortened periods due to TEAM meetings)
Group 2 current events due today:
P1: Sahiti, Arielle, Albin, Grace, Jess M.
P2: Joe, Eric, Claudia, Sean, Alexa
Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your section is already doing it.
I'll give you some time to complete 'Expressions and Types' worksheet. Review 'Expressions and Types'

Medical Informatics Part 2 due at beginning of class, on paper and via turnitin.
Introduce Python input() and print()
Begin 'Simple Python Calculation' project

JSUMC rotation

Friday, March 1, 2019

Week of March 4th - 8th, 2019

Finish up any remaining pioneers presentations:
P1: Sahiti, Molly
P2: Sean, Regan, Madd, Jess, Claudia
Last class time to work on Medical Informatics presentations.

Begin Medical Informatics presentations.
All groups must be ready to go at the beginning of class.

Group 1 current events due today:
P1: Hazem, Rahul, Savi, Skylar, Perfecto
P2: Eva, Jack, Tyler, Judy, Abbi
Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your section is already doing it
Continue with Medical Informatics presentations


Wrap up Medical Informatics presentations
Remaining time will be spent working on part 2 of assignment.

First JSUMC rotation