Friday, April 30, 2021

Week of May 3rd - 7th, 2021

Working on CMU Unit 5.2 - finish problems from 5.2 by Tuesday morning
Please skim this paper before our video conference on Thursday.  It's by an Allied grad who's now an MD, talking about how they apply machine learning to medicine.  You don't have to read it in detail, but look it over enough to get the main idea. It's challenging, but if you spend some time on it, you could use it as one of the examples in your machine learning paper.

'Gallery Walk' of Unit 4 Creative Tasks
Finish problems from 5.2.2 and 5.2.4 by 7:30 AM today
Begin CMU Unit 5.3. Problems from 5.3 will be due next Tuesday May 11th at 7:30 AM

Videos and discussion: data, medicine, and machine learning
Continue working with CMU Unit 5.3 problems.
Here is a review sheet for unit 5, which may be helpful as a reference for list methods.  Students who are in school can get a paper copy.

Continue working with CMU Unit 5.3 problems.
Video conference with Dr. Matt MacLean 8:30 - 9:30

Personal day for Mr. J.
'Getting Started with Machine Learning' due 7:30 AM
Remember that the actual paper is due Thursday, May 27th at 7:30.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Week of April 26th - 30th, 2021

Quiz on CMU Unit 4.  Here's the review sheet.
Here are the Kahoots we used in class on Friday:
          Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4.

Work on 'Getting Started with Machine Learning Paper' or Creative Task in remaining time.
Creative task and reflection due 5:00 PM today. 

Introduce Unit 5 concepts: lists and loops (first six slides only, for now. .  .)
Begin work on Unit 5

Everyone working on Unit 5 problems

Everyone working on Unit 5 problems
Finish problems from 5.1.2 and 5.1.4 by 7:30 AM Friday

Finish problems from 5.1.2 and 5.1.4 by 7:30 AM today.
Finish problems from 5.2.2 and 5.2.4 by 7:30 AM Tuesday May 4th 
Remember that 'Getting Started with Machine Learning' project is due next Friday May 7th at 7:30 AM.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Week of April 19th - 23rd, 2021

Everyone working on Creative Task

Begin discussion of AI:
Smartest Machine On Earth  (49:08 - via Edpuzzle - there are two places where I call your attention to what they're about to discuss, at 19:28 and 28:00)

Discuss: Strong vs Weak AI, Turing Test

Watch 'Coded Bias' movie

Continue with AI discussion, focus on social impacts:
Finish 'Coded Bias'
The Surveillance State (20:01 - via EdPuzzle.  This is an excerpt from In the Age of AI, an excellent 2 hour PBS program.  I encourage you to watch the whole thing, but I just can't afford that much class time.)

Review for Unit 4 Quiz (next Monday)
Here is the review sheet.
Work on 'Getting Started with Machine Learning Paper' or Creative Task in remaining time.
Creative task and reflection due 5:00 PM Monday.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Week of April 12th - 16th, 2021

HTHS is sponsoring a hackathon.  Some AAHS kids have participated in the past and really enjoyed it.  Check it out here.

Continue to work on Unit 4 problems

Opportunity to ask questions before the midterm.  Here again is a link to the review sheet.
Continue to work on Unit 4 problems

Midterm exam
Remember that today is a regular school day (not shortened), with cohort A physically present!  A step towards normalcy. . . 

Give a preview of the Groups capabilities from Unit 5, which you can use in your Unit 4 project if you want to.
Everyone working on the creative task once you've submitted your plan

Unit 4 problems at 7:30 AM.
Creative task plan due by 4 PM
Everyone working on the creative task.

Here are some particularly good Unit 4 projects from last semester: