Thursday, April 30, 2015

Week of May 4th - 7th, 2015

Scratch homework #3 due
Scratch Maze projects due at beginning of class. In addition to the written work, share your project online in Scratch, and then copy the URL into this spreadsheet beside your name so that others can see your project. (You must be logged onto your ctemc email account for access.)
We will take 10 minutes or so to admire one another's mazes.
Scratch drawing exercises in class
Introduce Scratch project

Introduce Scratch concepts - parallelism, broadcast, race conditions, cloning, variable scope
Here's a good video about cloning sprites.
Students work on defining their Scratch project subject
Begin working on project if done.

Group 1 current events can be handed in:
p1: Emily A., Tait, Mary, Charlie, Kunal, Nick H., Sarah, Katie, Nicole
p2: Robert, Aaron, Deanna, Jason, Cat, Alex, Kyra, Alice
Scratch project definition homework due at beginning of class
Everyone working on Scratch project

Everyone working on Scratch project


Friday, April 24, 2015

Week of April 27th - May 1st, 2015

"Getting Acquainted with Scratch" due at beginning of class
Scratch homework #1 due at beginning of class
All students working on Walking Boy game.
aMazeMent project available for those who finish

Finish up Walking Boy, start aMazeMent
Walking Boy writeup due at end of lunchtime

Scratch homework #2 due at beginning of class
Group 2 current events can be handed in:
p1: Emily M., Olivia, Christiana, Tay, Melissa, Bret, Nick S., Ryan, Matt
p2: Jennica, Heather, Shihab, Premila, Alexis, Jerin, Jeremy, Kat S., Mari)

all students working on aMazeMent

All students working on aMazeMent - today is the last in-class time.  Maze programs and writeups will be due at beginning of class on Monday.  Before then, share your project online, and then copy the URL into this spreadsheet  beside your name so that others can see your project.  (You must be logged onto your ctemc email account for access.) 
Give out Scratch homework #3 for Monday.

JSUMC rotation

Friday, April 17, 2015

Week of April 20th - 24th, 2015

Here's an interesting article that might be useful for part 3 of your robotics/AI paper

signup for AI/Robotics topics begins at 7:30
continue with Arduino labs

Wrap up Arduino labs (tentative)
(Mrs. Silva visits at end of 1st/beginning of 2nd periods)

Group 1 current events can be handed in:
p1: Emily A., Tait, Mary, Charlie, Kunal, Nick H., Sarah, Katie, Nicole
p2: Robert, Aaron, Deanna, Jason, Cat, Alex, Kyra, Alice

Hand out "Cool Arduino Project" homework
Arduino consolidation day - review some basic concepts
Experiment with other projects from SparkFun Inventor Kit

Thursday: Introduce programming with Scratch:
Why learn to code? (video, 9:34)
Introduction to Scratch 2.0 (video, 1:37) and Getting Started With Scratch (video, 2:24)
Run scratch in your browser: go to and click on "Try It Out"
Start working on "Getting Acquainted with Scratch" worksheet

"Cool Arduino Project" homework due

Continue to work on "Getting Acquainted with Scratch" worksheet
Start "Walking Boy" project if finished

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Week of April 13th - 17th, 2015

Read "Soldering Is Easy" comic

Give out midterm review sheet
Introduce Soldering, w
atch How To Solder video in class 
Discuss basic electronics - circuits, resistors, capacitors, LEDs, transistors


Reread "Soldering Is Easy" comic
Soldering lab - build a blinky thing.  (To be more technical, it's called a multivibrator circuit.)

Review for midterm.

Take student survey.
Introduce Arduino, begin Arduino labs.

Midterm exam.

First JSUMC rotation.