Here's an interesting article that might be useful for part 3 of your robotics/AI paper
signup for AI/Robotics topics begins at 7:30
continue with Arduino labs
Wrap up Arduino labs (tentative)
(Mrs. Silva visits at end of 1st/beginning of 2nd periods)
Group 1 current events can be handed in:
p1: Emily A., Tait, Mary, Charlie, Kunal, Nick H., Sarah, Katie, Nicole
p2: Robert, Aaron, Deanna, Jason, Cat, Alex, Kyra, Alice
Hand out "Cool Arduino Project" homework
Arduino consolidation day - review some basic concepts
Experiment with other projects from SparkFun Inventor Kit
Thursday: Introduce programming with Scratch:
Why learn to code? (video, 9:34)
Introduction to Scratch 2.0 (video, 1:37) and Getting Started With Scratch (video, 2:24)
Run scratch in your browser: go to and click on "Try It Out"
Start working on "Getting Acquainted with Scratch" worksheet
"Cool Arduino Project" homework due
Continue to work on "Getting Acquainted with Scratch" worksheet
Start "Walking Boy" project if finished