Friday, February 23, 2018

Week of February 26th - March 2nd, 2018

Computer Pioneer Bios - oral presentations

Please complete this post-assessment of the security unit:
Continue to work on Medical Informatics presentations, incorporate comments.
Group 4 current events:
Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your section is already doing it. Also remember to submit your writeup to turnitin.
P1: Rahul, Leanne, James, Adam, Lance
P2: Kristen, Kylie, Jess, Batur

Last class time to work on Medical Informatics presentations.
Be prepared to present beginning on Thursday.

Begin Medical Informatics presentations
I will give you 10 minutes at the beginning of the class to print out your notes and get organized.

(D.E.A.R. day)
Continue with Medical Informatics presentations