Friday, March 12, 2021

Week of March 15th - 19th, 2021

Complete at least 6 points from 3.4 exercises by this morning at 7:30 AM.
Creative task planning assignment - due by 7:30 AM today.
Everybody working on creative task - code and reflection due by 7:30 Friday morning.

I want to call your attention to the rubric I'll be using to grade the creative tasks.  This is copied from the assignment in Google Classroom:
  • demonstrates mastery of many or most of the drawing elements you've seen so far - 30%

  • it seems like you put in a diligent and persistent effort - 30%

  • code is well-commented, so that it's easy to determine what part of the picture is being drawn by any piece of code  - 20%

  • project is creative and ambitious - 20%

Begin work with REPL.IT and Guessing Game.  Everyone who was been physically present in class last Friday or Monday/Tuesday of this week should have picked up a paper copy of the slides, which might make this a little easier.  If you're in cohort C, here is a link if you want to print it yourself. 

Current Events group #2 due today:
P1: Nickolas H., Amrita, Ramisha, Thomas
P2: Jake, Kaylin, Lily H., Charlize, Omar
Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your period is already doing it.
Before class today, everyone needs to read 'The Way of The Program' and complete the vocabulary worksheet in the Google Classroom assignment.  You don't need to do the exercises at the end of the reading.
Review for test on unit 3 of CMU material.
Here's a video from CMU for some additional review.

Test on CMU Unit 3
Work on Creative Task and reflection when you've finished the test.

Creative task and reflection due by 7:30 this morning.
Work on Guessing Game with REPL.IT
Problems from CMU Units 4.1 (Functions) and 4.2 (Mouse Events) will be due at 7:30 AM on Thursday morning of next week.
Note that if you're doing a current event next week, we will do them on Tuesday instead of Wednesday, due to the International Fair on Wednesday.