Friday, May 7, 2021

Week of May 10th - 14th, 2021

Note: I will be out next Monday May 17th.  Problems from Unit 5.4 and 5.5 will not be graded until Tuesday morning at 7:30 AM.  The Unit 5 quiz will be on Tuesday, rather than Monday.

Review 5.3 concepts: iterating through lists, indexing into lists,  using % and len(), using range() with one parameter
Continue to work on CMU Unit 5.3.

Review 5.3 concepts: list methods append(), insert(), remove(),  pop()
Continue to work on CMU Unit 5.3

5.3 problems due at 7:30 AM today.
Begin working on Unit 5.4
Note -- I think the 'juicer' problem in 5.5 is way too tricky for one lousy point.  Here's a hint:
 if powerButton.hits(mouseX, mouseY):
   for nxt in app.fruitsToBlend:
     Rect(175, 210, 65, 90, fill=nxt.color, opacity=100/(1+len(app.fruitsToBlend)))
     nxt.visible = False

Review concepts from Unit 5.4: types and type errors,  input() and app.getTextInput(), int() and str(), strings, concatenation, looping, and indexing strings

Review for quiz Tuesday.  Here are the slides I presented in class. Here is a list of stuff you should know.  Here is the reference sheet for Unit 5. Paper copies were given to Cohorts A and B.  You can refer to it while taking the quiz.
Remainder of Unit (5.4 and 5.5 problems) due at 7:30 AM Tuesday.
CMU Kahoots from their CS1 course - some different material
CS1, Unit 6 (includes some stuff we haven't discussed yet)
CS1, Unit 7 (again, includes some stuff we haven't discussed)