Robotics/AI presentation topic signup opens at 7:30AM
(read "Cartoon Guide" through page 65 for today)
Introduce Soldering: How To Solder video, in-class worksheet
Hand out "Soldering is Easy" - read for Wednesday
Hand out computer hardware vocabulary worksheet - due Friday
Hardware basics - input, output, storage, processing worksheet in class
Begin discussing history of computers - Jacquard, Babbage
Video: Babbage's Difference Engine
No class, Grand Rounds at JSUMC
(part 2 of Medical Informatics due - turn in before or after JSUMC)
Here are links to the presentations, to use as reference:
(Group 1 current events:
p1: Anuj, Owen, Chris, Steph, Zonera, John, Brie, Jack, Keleb
p2: Mahmoud, Rachel, Sanjana, Lily, Keri, Lauren, Jackie, Grace, Mike, Katrina)
Soldering lab - build a blinky thing.
Discuss basic electronics - circuits, resistors, capacitors, LEDs, transistors
Finish Cartoon Guide packet for today
Continue with computer history
(computer hardware vocab due)
give out OS vocab, reading for next week
dissect old PCs