Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Week of Dec 1st - 5th

Robotics/AI presentation topic signup opens at 7:30AM
(read "Cartoon Guide" through page 65 for today)
Introduce Soldering: How To Solder video, in-class worksheet
Hand out "Soldering is Easy" - read for Wednesday
Hand out computer hardware vocabulary worksheet - due Friday
Hardware basics - input, output, storage, processing worksheet in class
Begin discussing history of computers - Jacquard, Babbage
Video: Babbage's Difference Engine


No class, Grand Rounds at JSUMC
(part 2 of Medical Informatics due - turn in before or after JSUMC)
Here are links to the presentations, to use as reference:

(Group 1 current events:
p1: Anuj, Owen, Chris, Steph, Zonera, John, Brie, Jack, Keleb
p2: Mahmoud, Rachel, Sanjana, Lily, Keri, Lauren, Jackie, Grace, Mike, Katrina)

Soldering lab - build a blinky thing.
Discuss basic electronics - circuits, resistors, capacitors, LEDs, transistors

Finish Cartoon Guide packet for today
Continue with computer history
Introduce computer bus and bus services


(computer hardware vocab due)
give out OS vocab, reading for next week
dissect old PCs

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Week of November 24th - 28th

30 minutes to get organized
Begin Medical Informatics presentations:

Continue Medical Informatics presentations.

Group 2 can turn in a current event:
p1: Kusal, Alicia, Lamissa, Melina, Brandon, Serena, Katie, Nikki, Alona
p2: Meera, Donovan, Aliya, Anita, Sakik, Nicole, Olivia, Konrad, Ben

Complete presentations (if necessary)

Introduce Artificial Intelligence paper and presentation assignment.
Robotics/AI videos, as time allows:

"Smartest Machine on Earth" (NOVA episode)
"The Future of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence" (Andrew Ng, a machine learning expert from Stanford)

Thursday, Friday:
No school, happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Week of November 17th - 21st

(shortened periods, knee replacement distance learning)
Video (in class): FBI Ransom Computer Virus, Business Casual G-Men
Readings for today: (these were previously listed for last Friday.)

(Query students on medical informatics topic preferences.)
Give out review sheet for quiz on dynamic web pages, computer security
Video (in class): Sabotaging the System (2009) (backup links: part1 part2) (use Firefox)
Optional video: Stuxnet (2012)
Readings for today:
Group 1 can turn in a current event:
p1: Anuj, Owen, Chris, Steph, Zonera, John, Brie, Jack, Keleb
p2: Mahmoud, Rachel, Sanjana, Lily, Keri, Lauren, Jackie, Grace, Mike, Katrina

Review for quiz on dynamic web pages & computer security

Begin medical informatics topic:
In class, watch CBS News video: Charting A New Course
All groups working on informatics project. Each group must create a google docs presentation and share it with Mr. J. by the end of the period

Quiz on dynamic web pages, computer security
All students working in groups on medical informatics presentations
I will look over what you have accomplished and get comments back to your group via school email before Friday morning.

All students working in groups on medical informatics presentations

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Week of November 10th-14th

Some time reserved at beginning of class to look at one another's web sites.
Give out midterm review sheet. Or you can see it here.
Begin discussion of Google, cloud computing, dynamic web pages.

Go over any questions for the midterm.
Read Cookie Monsters.
Continue with discussion of dynamic web pages.

(Last opportunity for current events for this marking period)
Midterm exam - both sections will take the test today, period 1 at 7:35, period 2 at 9:00.

Computer Pioneer presentations - 60 - 120 seconds, no notes or slides.  

In remaining time, begin unit on computer security, privacy, and cyberwar.
Video (in class): FBI Ransom Computer Virus

Readings for today:

Video (in class): Business Casual G-Men
Readings for today:

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Week of November 3rd - 7th

I just ran into this little Halloween tutorial showing you some tricks with javascript and CSS.  Check it out if you're curious, it's very cool.

Hand out HTML readability guidelines
All students working on 3 page website

All students working on 3 page website

Last in-class time to work on 3 page website
Web sites due, copied to server and turn-in sheet handed in by 11:15.
Why not do a current event?

Thursday, Friday:
No school, NJEA convention