Friday, February 13, 2015

Week of February 16th - 20th, 2015

No school, President's Day!

No school, Snow Day!

Group 1 current events can be handed in: 
p1: Emily A., Tait, Mary, Charlie, Kunal, Nick H., Sarah, Katie, Nicole
p2: Robert, Aaron, Deanna, Jason, Cat, Alex, Kyra, Alice
"Computer Pioneers" due - on paper and via turnitin.
Continue to work on "Ducks in a Row".
"3 Page Website" project available when finished.

Read "Four Basic Principles" graphic design handout.
Ducks in a Row due by 11:15 - files on server, turn-in sheet handed in.
All students working on "3 Page Website".

Introduce CSS classes, <div> and <span> tags.