Friday, March 27, 2015

Week of March 30th - April 2nd, 2015

Read "How Operating Systems Work" for today
Operating Systems vocabulary due

Discuss how disk drives work
Introduce operating systems: two roles, five jobs of an operating system

give out review sheet for test
wrap up operating systems discussion
file names and paths
hands-on OS with terminal window

review for test
User interface videos:

Test on computer hardware, history, operating systems

(2nd period - locker cleanout after test)

happy spring break!  see y'all on April 13th. . . 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Week of March 23rd - 27th, 2015

Part 2 of Medical Informatics due. 

Return HTML tests (finally!)

Hand out computer hardware vocabulary worksheet - due Thursday
Watch "Smartest Machine on Earth" (NOVA episode)

Period 1 - in remaining time, start research for paper

Period 2 - watch some of the remaining Robotics/AI videos from last week

Read Cartoon Guide packet
Hardware basics - input, output, storage, processing worksheet in class
Begin discussing history of computers - Jacquard, Babbage
Video: Babbage's Difference Engine


Group 2 current events can be handed in:
p1: Emily M., Olivia, Christiana, Tay, Melissa, Bret, Nick S., Ryan, Matt
p2: Jennica, Heather, Shihab, Premila, Alexis, Jerin, Jeremy, Kat S., Mari)

Dissect computers, do worksheet


Computer hardware vocab due
Turn in computer dissection worksheets
Read part 2 of Cartoon Guide for today
Hand out OS vocab sheet - for Monday
Hand out "How Operating Systems Work" reading  - for Monday

Continue with computer history
Videos: The Queen of Code ENIAC SAGE 
Introduce computer bus and bus services

Discuss computer chips, Moore's Law
video: How do they make computer chips?

Fetch/execute cycle

Experiment with the Visible Computer
Discuss modern computer history: 1960s to today.

Discuss how a disk drive works

Friday, March 13, 2015

Week of March 16th - 20th, 2015

Medical Informatics sources are here
I've decided that your sources don't have to be in APA format, URLs are sufficient

Test on HTML, dynamic web pages, computer security
Continue to work on medical informatics when finished

Last class time to work on presentations

Group 1 current events can be handed in:
p1: Emily A., Tait, Mary, Charlie, Kunal, Nick H., Sarah, Katie, Nicole
p2: Robert, Aaron, Deanna, Jason, Cat, Alex, Kyra, Alice

Five minutes to prepare, then begin informatics presentations:

Continue presentations
Introduce Artificial Intelligence paper and presentation assignment.

begin Robotics/AI videos, if time allows:

Complete presentations, if needed.

Continue with introduction to AI and Robotics
Part 2 of medical informatics project will be due on Monday

Friday, March 6, 2015

Week of March 9th - 13th, 2015

(Query students on medical informatics topic preferences.)

Begin discussion of computer security.
Security readings for today:

Video (in class): Business Casual G-Men, FBI Ransom Computer Virus
Security readings for today:

(Group 2 current events can be handed in:
p1: Emily M., Olivia, Christiana, Tay, Melissa, Bret, Nick S., Ryan, Matt
p2: Jennica, Heather, Shihab, Premila, Alexis, Jerin, Jeremy, Kat S., Mari)

Video (in class): Sabotaging the System (2009) (backup links: part1 part2) (use Firefox), Stuxnet (2012)
Security readings for today:

Give out review sheet for test on Monday

Start Medical Informatics discussion:
In class, watch CBS News video: Charting A New Course

All groups working on informatics project. Each group must create a google docs presentation and share it with Mr. J. by the end of the period

Some sources to start with are at:

Continue to work on Medical Informatics
I will look over what you have finished and get comments back to you by Monday morning.