Friday, March 13, 2015

Week of March 16th - 20th, 2015

Medical Informatics sources are here
I've decided that your sources don't have to be in APA format, URLs are sufficient

Test on HTML, dynamic web pages, computer security
Continue to work on medical informatics when finished

Last class time to work on presentations

Group 1 current events can be handed in:
p1: Emily A., Tait, Mary, Charlie, Kunal, Nick H., Sarah, Katie, Nicole
p2: Robert, Aaron, Deanna, Jason, Cat, Alex, Kyra, Alice

Five minutes to prepare, then begin informatics presentations:

Continue presentations
Introduce Artificial Intelligence paper and presentation assignment.

begin Robotics/AI videos, if time allows:

Complete presentations, if needed.

Continue with introduction to AI and Robotics
Part 2 of medical informatics project will be due on Monday