Here's an article from 2014 that might be helpful for your robotics and AI paper. This new one is pretty interesting too.
Here is the test review info for the Scratch test on Tuesday.
Work on Scratch projects
Test on Scratch
Work on projects when finished
Group 2 current events can be handed in:
p1: Emily M., Olivia, Christiana, Tay, Melissa, Bret, Nick S., Ryan, Matt
p2: Jennica, Heather, Shihab, Premila, Alexis, Jerin, Jeremy, Kat S., Mari
Work on Scratch projects - last class time
Scratch projects due at beginning of class.
To turn in your project:
1) turn in a paper copy of the write-up
2) to turn in the program, in Scratch, go to "file->download to your computer" menu item, and download the program file to your computer. Name it "period - yourname.sb2" so it looks like "per1 - bobsmith.sb2" for example, and email it to me. If the file is too big to email, you can bring it in on a USB, or we will figure something out.
3) share your program in Scratch, and then copy the URL into this spreadsheet.
Policy on late Scratch projects:
- completely turned in by end of activity period on Friday - 2% penalty
- completely turned in by noon Saturday (determined by timestamp on email) - 4% penalty
- completely turned in by noon Sunday (determined by timestamp on email) - 6% penalty
- completely turned in by noon Monday (determined by timestamp on email) - 8% penalty
- completely turned in by end of activity period on Tuesday - 10% penalty
You must submit both your writeup and your .sb2 file for it to be considered completely turned in. And you must hand in a printed out version of your writeup on Tuesday if you email your work to me over the weekend.
You can download RUR-PLE from here. Get the .exe for Windows, or the .dmg for OS X.