Friday, May 22, 2015

Week of May 25th - 29th, 2015

You can download RUR-PLE from here. Get the .exe for Windows, or the .dmg for OS X.

Memorial Day holiday, no school.
Remember to thank a vet.

Students continue to work on RUR-PLE.
Be prepared to work on your paper or presentation when you finish your RUR-PLE work.

Career day, shortened classes, all classes after lunch.
Group 2 current events can be handed in:
p1: Emily M., Olivia, Christiana, Tay, Melissa, Bret, Nick S., Ryan, Matt
p2: Jennica, Heather, Shihab, Premila, Alexis, Jerin, Jeremy, Kat S., Mari

Begin a gentle introduction to Processing.

AI/Robotics papers due!  On paper and via turnitin, at beginning of class.
Continue with Processing language intro, begin first project.

Sophomore class trip to Great Adventure.

Note - AI/Robotics presentations are due by 11:59 PM on Monday, June 8th. You can email me a Powerpoint or a link to a shared Google Slides presentation.  Your filename should be of the format yourname per#.ppt, like fred jones per3.ppt.