Friday, September 25, 2015

Week of September 28th - October 2nd, 2015

Computer Pioneers project due - on paper and via turnitin
Discuss basic CRAP graphic design principles: Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, and Proximity
Continue to work on "Ducks in a Row" assignment
"3 Page Website" project available when finished

"Ducks in a Row" due by 11:15 - files on server, turn-in sheet handed in
"3 Page Website" project available when finished

Group 2 current events:
P1: Zachary K, Michael, Emily, Juliet, Varoon, Noel, Eesha, Elena, Alex
P2: Jess, Reese, Karly, Ian, Katharine, Mayuri, Deven, Arianna, Stacy
Introduce CSS classes, <div> and <span> tags.
Work on "3 Page Website" project 

Students check out website
Pass out HTML readability guidelines
Introduce HTML table tags, rowspan and colspan attributes
Work on "3 Page Website" project

Work on "3 Page Website" project

Friday, September 18, 2015

Week of September 21st - 25th, 2015

JSUMC orientation

Test: Binary/hex numbers, analog/digital conversion, internet technologies
Complete 1st HTML exercise, begin second HTML exercise when done with test

Holiday, no school

(Group 1 current events can be handed in:
P1: Maya, Stephen, Charlotte, Quinn, Josh, Dana, May, Zack H., Alfred, Ritik
P2: Vishwak, Neil, Brian, Lauren C., Tanay, Dan, Lauren H., Matthew, Bryan, Ali)
Discuss CSS: <style> tag, style= attribute, external stylesheets
Give out "Ducks in a Row" worksheet, demonstrate access to web server

hand out Graphic Design Principles reading for Monday

Demonstrate HTML validator
Everyone working on "Ducks in a Row"
3 page website assignment available when finished

Friday, September 11, 2015

Week of September 14th - 18th, 2015

holiday, no school

Begin discussion of internet history and technology
Internet vocab due at beginning of class
For today, read Secret Geek A-Team Hacks Back, Defends Worldwide Web and turn in this worksheet.
Video: DNS Explained
Group 2 current events:
P1: Zachary K, Michael, Emily, Juliet, Varoon, Noel, Eesha, Elena, Alex
P2: Jess, Reese, Karly, Ian, Katharine, Mayuri, Deven, Arianna, Stacy
Video: The Internet of Things

(TCP/IP try-at-home due. Here are worksheets for Windows XPWindows VistaWindows 7, and Mac OS X. If you run into problems with any of the commands, take your answer from these screen shots -- what you would have seen if it had worked.)
Wrap up internet technology discussion
Hand out Computer Pioneers assignment
Hand out review sheet for test on binary/hex numbers, digital representation of information, internet technology.
Begin HTML unit.

Go over review sheet, answer any questions before test on Tuesday.
Complete HTML intro, work on first HTML exercises in class.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Welcome to Principles of Computer Technology, Fall '15!

Week of September 8 - 11, 2015

Who Are You? - a survey to help me know a little about you
Discuss rules and expectations, course outline, current events assignment
Give out Good Questions assignment, start in class - due Thursday


(Students should have registered for turnitin by today)
(Group 1 current events can be handed in:
P1: Maya, Stephen, Charlotte, Quinn, Josh, Dana, May, Zack H., Alfred, Ritik
P2: Vishwak, Neil, Brian, Lauren C., Tanay, Dan, Lauren H., Matthew, Bryan, Alex)
Introduce binary/hex numbers

Give out binary/hex worksheet
"Good Questions" homework due
Complete binary/hex numbers discussion
Begin discussing digital representation of sounds and images, digital cameras, CAT scans
Video: Autotune on Nova

(Binary numbers worksheet due)
(Give out internet vocab sheet, due Wednesday)
Complete discussion of digital representation of sounds, images, and CAT scans.

 begin internet discussion of internet history and technology
Video: Let's Enhance
