Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Week of January 4th - 8th, 2016

Happy New Year!

Return Scratch tests, go over any questions.
Remaining class time for working on AI and Robotics paper

Begin gentle introduction to programming with Processing.  Download Processing 3 here.
(no donation required).
Begin first project.

Group 1 current events can be handed in:
P1: Maya, Stephen, Charlotte, Quinn, Josh, Dana, May, Zack H., Alfred, Ritik
P2: Vish, Neil, Brian, Lauren C., Tanay, Dan, Lauren H., Matt, Bryan, Alex
Introduce Tweak mode. Continue with first project. 
Remember to include comments!
Work on paper or presentation if project is finished.

TBD, depending on progress made on Wednesday.  

AI and Robotics papers due - on paper and via turnitin.  You can turn it in on Monday, Jan 11th for a 2% penalty.  Every day after that is 8%, or one letter grade.
Continue with Processing - conditionals and interactive sketches

Friday, December 18, 2015

Week of December 21st - 23rd, 2015

Everybody working on Scratch projects.
Remember that your documentation is 25% of your grade. . . . leave some time to do a good job on it.

Last classroom time to work on Scratch projects.

To turn in the actual program, go to "file->download to your computer" menu item, and download the program file to your computer. Name it "period - yourname.sb2" so it looks like "per1 - fredsmith.sb2" for example, and email it to me. If the file is too big to email, you
can give it to me on a USB, or we will figure something out.

Also, share your project on the Scratch website, and then put the url in this spreadsheet so that everyone can admire your work.
(Shortened period for alumni day) 
Group 2 current events:
P1: Zachary K, Michael, Emily, Juliet, Varoon, Noel, Eesha, Elena, Alex
P2: Jess, Reese, Karly, Ian, Katharine, Mayuri, Deven, Arianna, Stacy
Scratch projects due -- paper documentation handed in and .sb2 file emailed to Mr. J.  We will take the period to admire one another's projects.

Upcoming deadline:
Remember that your Robotics and AI paper is due on Friday, January 8th.  You can choose to turn it in on Monday, January 11th for a 2% penalty.  Every day after the 11th incurs an 8% penalty.

Have a great holiday, everyone!  See you next year!


Friday, December 11, 2015

Week of December 14th - 18th, 2015

Scratch Maze projects due at beginning of class. In addition to the written work, share your project online in Scratch, and then copy the URL into this spreadsheet beside your name so that others can see your project. (You must be logged onto your ctemc email account for access.)
We will take 10 minutes or so to admire one another's mazes.
Discuss Scratch concepts  #2 handout
Introduce Scratch project

Scratch homework #3 due
Students work on defining their Scratch project subject
Begin working on project if done.

Group 1 current events can be handed in:
P1: Maya, Stephen, Charlotte, Quinn, Josh, Dana, May, Zack H., Alfred, Ritik
P2: Vish, Neil, Brian, Lauren C., Tanay, Dan, Lauren H., Matt, Bryan, Alex

Scratch project definition homework due at beginning of class
Everyone working on Scratch project

Everyone working on Scratch project

Test on Scratch
Everyone working on Scratch project when done

Friday, December 4, 2015

Week of December 7th - 11th, 2015

Finish up "Getting Acquainted with Scratch" worksheet - do #18 and #19 if time allows.
Start "Walking Boy" project when finished

Scratch homework #1 due at beginning of class
"Getting Acquainted with Scratch" due at beginning of class
Give out Scratch homework #2.
All students working on Walking Boy game.
aMazeMent project available for those who finish

Group 2 current events can be handed in:

P1: Zachary K, Michael, Emily, Juliet, Varoon, Noel, Eesha, Elena, Alex
P2: Jess, Reese, Karly, Ian, Katharine, Mayuri, Deven, Arianna, Stacy
Finish up Walking Boy, start aMazeMent
Walking Boy writeup due at end of 

Scratch homework #2 due at beginning of class

Introduce first set of programming concepts: if/forever vs if, broadcast/broadcast and wait, race conditions, state variables
all students working on aMazeMent

Scratch Turtle Graphics drawing exercises in class
All students working on aMazeMent - today is the last in-class time. Maze project is due at beginning of class on Monday.  In addition to the written work, make sure your project is publicly visible on the web site, and copy the URL to this spreadsheet so that others can try it out.
Students who have finished maze can start project.

Give out Scratch homework #3.