Thursday, December 22, 2016

Week of January 2nd - 6th, 2017

Don't forget: your AI and Robotics paper is due Monday morning, January 9th, both on paper and submitted to turnitin.
  • Do not include your cover page or list of references when you submit your paper to turnitin.
  • Remember that your grade drops by 1 for every point beyond 30% for your similarity rating, so that if your paper gets a similarity rating of 50%, the highest grade you can get is an 80.
  • Remember to include parts 1, 2, and 3, as described in the handout.  Be sure that you covered all the topics mentioned.

No school, Happy New Year!

Introduce basic electronic components and circuit concepts
Introduce Arduino, begin working on Sparkfun Inventor's Kit exercises

Continue with Arduino worksheet.

Last class time to work on Arduino

Review Arduino worksheet

Friday, December 16, 2016

Week of December 19th - 23rd, 2016

Operating system vocabulary due
Continue with two roles, five jobs of an operating system: processor management, memory and storage management, device management, application interface, and user interfaceUser interface videos:
Introduce file names and paths.
Do hands-on OS with terminal window
Hand out review sheet for test on computer hardware, history, operating systems

Wrap up file names and paths.
Review for test
User interface videos:

Test on computer hardware, history, operating systems (1 hour maximum)

Introduce Soldering: How To Solder video, in-class worksheet
Discuss basic electronics - circuits, resistors, capacitors, LEDs, transistors

Soldering lab

(shortened periods due to almuni day)

Class time to work on Robotics/AI paper

Friday, December 9, 2016

Week of December 12th - 16th, 2016

Python subroutines quiz

Computer dissection

Robotics/AI current event group 4:
P1: Brianna, Ben, Molly, Kerry
P2: Sam, Emily, Anna, Ashlesha, Sophia

Computer hardware vocab due
Turn in computer dissection worksheet if you didn't turn it in Tuesday.
Introduce computer bus and bus services
Experiment with the Visible Computer - Class handout
Discuss computer chips, Moore's Law: Moore's Law Is Dead. Now What?
Vanishing Point: the Rise of the Invisible Computer
How do they make computer chips?
Zoom into a microchip
(also: Photolithography)
(optional: Getting Busted in NJ with Core Memory)
Discuss modern computer history: 1960s to today.

Complete computer hardware discussion:
Discuss how a disk drive works

Read "How Operating Systems Work" for today
Introduce operating systems: two roles, five jobs of an OS

Friday, December 2, 2016

Week of December 5th - 9th, 2016

Test on Python programming
When done, continue to work on Codingbat


Signup for AI/Robotics presentation topics begins at 7:30 am.
Continue to work on Codingbat problems. Complete all problems in Warmup-1, and at least some of the problems in each of Logic-1List-1, and String-1.

Discouraged because this stuff is hard?  Watch this video from

Group 3 Robotics/AI current events:
per 1: Grace, Ayaan, Hania, Nick, Matt
per 2: Katya, Anusha, Hannah, Erin, Candace 
Work on harder Python subroutine problems involving loops.

Give out quiz review sheet

Read Cartoon Guide to the Computer handout through page 64
Computer hardware basics - input, output, storage, processing worksheet in class

Begin discussing history of computers - Jacquard, Babbage, Lovelace, Hollerith
Videos: Babbage's Difference Engine
Give out computer hardware vocab sheet for next Monday

Review for Python subroutines quiz
Finish "Cartoon Guide" for today
Continue with history of computers: Babbage, Hollerith, WW II computers
Videos: The Queen of Code ENIAC SAGE (optional: Getting Busted in NJ with Core Memory)

Herman Hollerith, at age 24

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Week of November 28th - December 2nd, 2016

Do Python string and list worksheet
Introduce Python lists and loops: strings, for loop, range()

Guessing Game programs (and code review) due by 11:30
Python string and list exercises worksheet due by 11:30
Continue with Python lists and loops - complete in-class loop exercises, give out loop homework

Group 2 AI/Robotics current events due:
p1: Christina, Shai, Arsala, Kurt
p2: Willow, Jessica, Curran, Eshaan, Danish
Hand out review sheet for first Python test
Review loop homework
Begin working on List challenges

Here's a link with some extra Python practice


30 minutes to work on List challenges
Introduce subroutine parameters, return values

List challenges due
Review for Python test on Monday

Go the Python section of and create an account, by clicking on "Create Account" in the upper right-hand corner of the home page. Use your school email as your ID. When you enter your name, please type your period, followed by your last name, followed by your first name, like this:
                2 – Jones, Mike
Then, back on the home page, click "prefs". At the bottom of the page, under Teacher Share, enter my email address, This will allow me to see your progress.

Please complete problems in Warmup-1.  If you finish, go on to Logic-1 and List-1.

Signup for AI presentation topics begins next Tuesday at 7:30 AM. (Moved from Monday due to test. . . )

Friday, November 18, 2016

Week of November 21st - 24th, 2016

Check out this Google AI Experiments web site that lets you play with machine learning.

about a half hour to work on "Variables, Types, Expressions, Input and Output" worksheet
introduce logical tests and boolean expressions, while and break
Begin work on Guessing Game exercises

"Variables, Types, Expressions, Input and Output" worksheet due by 11:30
Everyone working on Guessing Game exercises

Group 1 AI/Robotics current events:
Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your section is already doing it.
P1: Ridhima, Dienye, Abigail, Sarah, Daniela
P2: Liza, Sydney, Adriana, Subhan, Dante

Probably the last in-class day to work on Guessing Game exercises and code reviews

Thursday, Friday:
No school, Thanksgiving vacation

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Week of November 14th - 18th, 2016

Sign up here to get AI news in your email every Monday.

Introduce Artificial Intelligence current event, paper, and presentation assignment.
begin Robotics/AI videos, as time allows:

Complete Robotics/AI videos, discussion


Resume working with Python - program file format, boolean expressions
Walk through "Fahrenheit to Celsius" converter program in class
Everyone working on "Variables, Expressions, Input and Output" worksheet

Everyone working on "Variables, Expressions, Input and Output" worksheet

Final JSUMC rotation

Friday, November 4, 2016

Week of November 7th - 11th, 2016

Go over RUR-PLE test.
Finish first Python handout - raw_input(), type conversion, the print statement, and print format strings.
Begin Variables, Expressions, Types, Input and Output project.

Tuesday (election day):
First IDLE exercises due by the end of lunch.
Review for the midterm.

Midterm exam

Thursday, Friday:
NJEA Convention, no school

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Week of October 31st - November 4th, 2016

Last class time to work on RUR-PLE
Students who finish should work on Bebras Challenge - click on "Practice Challenge"
Give out "Way of the Program" vocabulary worksheet for Tuesday

For today, read "The Way of the Program" and turn in vocabulary worksheet
Introduce IDLE programming environment, Python variables and types, input and output.

Students work on "First IDLE Exercises"
Give out RUR-PLE test review sheet.

Group 4 current events:
P1: Brianna, Ben, Molly, Kerry
P2: Sam, Emily, Anna, Ashlesha, Sophia

Review for test on RUR-PLE
(last day to show me the RUR-PLE extra credit problem)

Students complete "First IDLE Exercises", start on "Variables, Types, Input, Output" project.

test on RUR-PLE
give out midterm review sheet

JSUMC Rotation

Friday, October 21, 2016

Week of October 24th - 28th, 2016

Continue with RUR-PLE
conditionals if, if/else, if/elif/else, flowcharts

You can download RUR-PLE from here. Get the .exe for Windows, or the .dmg for OS X.

RUR-PLE part 2 available for those who finish part 1

JSUMC Grand Rounds


Group 3 current events:
per 1: Grace, Ayaan, Hania, Nick, Matt
per 2: Katya, Anusha, Hannah, Erin, Candace

Review flowchart worksheet from Monday
Introduce while loop
Everyone should have finished RUR-PLE part 1 by the end of today

Continue with RUR-PLE:  all students working on part 2 of exercises

JSUMC Rotation

Friday, October 14, 2016

Week of October 17th - 21st, 2016

Complete informatics presentations:

Please take this survey at the beginning of class.

Introduce programming with RUR-PLE
Why Learn to Code?
Introduce RUR-PLE:

You can download RUR-PLE from here. Get the .exe for Windows, or the .dmg for OS X.


no class, PSAT

Group 2 AI/Robotics current events due:

p1: Christina, Shai, Arsala, Kurt
p2: Willow, Jessica, Curran, Eshaan, Danish

Continue with RUR-PLE:  for count in range() loop

Part II of medical informatics project due.  Can be turned in Monday for a 4 point penalty.
JSUMC rotation

Friday, October 7, 2016

Week of October 10th -14th, 2016

Staff day, no school


Begin Medical Informatics presentations
I will give you 20 minutes at the beginning of the class to print out notes and get organized.

School closed

Group 1 current events:
Remember to enter your topic here and be sure no one else from your section is already doing it.
P1: Ridhima, Dienye, Abigail, Sarah, Daniela
P2: Liza, Sydney, Adriana, Subhan, Dante

Continue with Medical Informatics presentations

JSUMC rotation

Friday, September 30, 2016

Week of October 3rd - 7th, 2016

no school

"Computer Pioneers" papers due, on paper and via turnitin
Continue to work in groups on Medical Informatics project

Group 4 current events:
P1: Brianna, Ben, Molly, Kerry
P2: Sam, Emily, Anna, Ashlesha, Sophia
Continue to work in groups on Medical Informatics project

Continue to work in groups on Medical Informatics project
Mr. J. will review all presentations and get feedback to groups by Friday morning

(shortened periods due to week of respect activity)
Return and discuss tests
Continue to work on Medical Informatics, incorporate comments.  Be prepared to present beginning on Tuesday.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Week of September 26th - 30th, 2016

Note: I have decided to move the "computer pioneers" project due date to Tuesday, October 4th, at the beginning of class, on paper and via turnitin. 

Wrap up computer security unit,  discuss:
Video (in class):

Pass out review sheet for Friday's test

Introduce Medical Informatics unit and projects

All groups working on informatics project. Each group must create a google docs presentation and share it with Mr. J. by the end of the period
Some sources to start with are at:

JSUMC orientation

Group 3 current events:
per 1: Grace, Ayaan, Hania, Nick, Matt
per 2: Katya, Anusha, Hannah, Erin, Candace

Go over review sheet, answer questions in preparation for test
In time remaining, continue to work on Medical Informatics project.

Test on binary/hex numbers, analog/digital information, internet technology, and computer security.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Week of September 19th - 23rd, 2016

Homework - readings for today:
Review: HTTP and HTML
Begin discussion of Google, cloud computing, dynamic web pages

Demonstrate HTTP with Firefox developer tools

Homework - reading for today:
Complete discussion of cookies and dynamic web pages.
group 2 current events:
p1:  Christina, Shai, Arsala, Kurt
p2: Willow, Jessica, Curran, Eshaan, Danish

readings for today:
Video: 5 of the Worst Computer Viruses Ever
Students list ways to avoid getting malware on their computers.

Homework - reading for today:
Video (in class): 
Note: I have decided to move the "computer pioneers" project due date to Tuesday, October 4th, at the beginning of class, on paper and via turnitin. 

Homework - reading for today:
Security readings for today:
Please complete the Stronge Student Survey

Video (in class): 

Week of September 19th - 23rd, 2016

Homework - readings for today:
Review: HTTP and HTML
Begin discussion of Google, cloud computing, dynamic web pages

Demonstrate HTTP with Firefox developer tools, Wireshark

Homework - reading for today:
Complete discussion of cookies and dynamic web pages.
Video (in class):
group 2 current events:
p1:  Christina, Shai, Arsala, Kurt
p2: Willow, Jessica, Curran, Eshaan, Danish

readings for today:
Video (in class):
Students list ways to avoid getting malware on their computers.

Homework - reading for today:
Video (in class): 

Homework - reading for today:
Video (in class):