Friday, January 22, 2016

Week of January 25th - 29th, 2016

Snow day. . . 
Here is the link to The Guy Under The Car.

Loop worksheet due - we will review it in class.
Continue to work on Pong game.
Students who have completed Pong will explore additional Processing features:

plus the many, many cool programs at

Give out review sheet for final exam on Friday.

Group 2 current events:
P1: Zachary K, Michael, Emily, Juliet, Varoon, Noel, Eesha, Elena, Alex
P2: Jess, Reese, Karly, Ian, Katharine, Mayuri, Deven, Arianna, Stacy
Opportunity to ask questions for test on Friday.

Last class time to work on Pong game.
Those who have finished should spend remaining time experimenting with Processing - see links under Tuesday's entry.

Pong game due by the end of lunch period.

Opportunity to ask questions for test on Friday.
Recap the big ideas of the course.
Watch Steve Jobs' Stanford commencement address.

Final exam, 8:27 - 10:29, in the media center.