Friday, January 29, 2016

Week of February 1st - 5th, 2016: Welcome!

Who Are You? - a survey to help me know a little about you
Discuss rules and expectations, course outline, current events assignment
Give out Good Questions assignment, start in class - due Wednesday

(Students should have registered for turnitin by today)
Introduce binary/hex numbers
From Datascience@Berkeley: Data Size Matters
Give out binary/hex worksheet

("Good Questions" homework due)
(Binary numbers worksheet due)
Complete binary/hex numbers discussion
Begin discussing digital representation of sounds and images, digital cameras, CAT scans
Video: Autotune on Nova

(Give out internet vocab sheet, due Monday)
Complete discussion of digital representation of sounds, images, and CAT scans.
Video: Let's Enhance
Gigapixel images

Begin internet discussion of internet history and technology
Video: The Lighting of the Beacons

Continue discussion of internet history and technology
Video: What is Information Theory?
Video: Morse code and the information age
Video: Warriors of the Net

For Monday: Internet vocab, also read Secret Geek A-Team Hacks Back, Defends Worldwide Web and turn in this worksheet.

Also remember, the following people have a current event due next week:
P1: Juliana, Emily, Kristen, Alexander, Edward
P2: Keely, Abigail, Katelin, Lauren, Neha